APRIL 19TH 2024

1.0 Introduction

The Msimbazi River Basin in Dar es Salaam is crucial for infrastructure, commerce, and ecosystem services but due to annual floods, faces significant environmental and social challenges caused by pollution and encroachment. The Government of Tanzania, through President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), with support from the World Bank and other partners, has launched the Msimbazi Basin Development Project (MBDP). This project aims to enhance flood resilience and urban development through investments in flood protection, transport infrastructure, waste control, and urban planning. The MBDP will be implemented in the entire Msimbazi Basin (Lower, Middle and Upper) with strategic local interventions in the middle and upper basin and the implementation on a detailed plan including a city park and urban development in the Lower Basin. The Project area starts at Pugu hills and reaches downstream up to the entry point to the Indian Ocean at Selander Bridge.  MBDP interventions in the Lower Msimbazi Basin include resettlement and demolition of houses that are located in hazardous flood prone areas, excavation and dredging of the river to improve its resilience to floods, earthworks for establishing terraces on both banks of the river which will serve as another line of defence against floods. Currently PORALG is preparing an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the those works in Lower Msimbazi, and a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), in accordance with Tanzanian legislation and World Bank ESF, has been prepared and currently being implemented where many households have already been compensated and left their houses. PORALG is planning to carry out limited demolition works for resettled houses to render them unliveable to prevent illegal use of those houses. This Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) has been prepared for those limited demolition works according to the requirements of the Environmental of the MBDP Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) that have been cleared by the World Bank and disclosed in December 2021.

1.1 Project Geographic Area

Administratively, the flood prone area in the lower Msimbazi is spread within Kinondoni Municipality and Dar es Salaam City Council, covering eight (8) wards and sixteen (16) sub-wards (Mitaa) as indicated in Table 1 below: 

Table 1: Wards and sub-wards of the flood prone area in lower Msimbazi

S/NMunicipalityWardSub Ward
1Kinondoni MCHananasifuMkunguni A
Mkunguni B
Mwinyi Mkuu
KigogoKigogo Mbuyuni
2Dar es Salaam City CouncilUpanga MagharibiCharambe
JangwaniMtambani A
Mtambani B
KariakooKariakoo Kaskazini
MchikichiniMisheni Kota

1.3 Summary of the Current status of RAP implementation. 

As of March 26,2024, the following Project Affected Persons (PAPs) have already received payments, those who had grievances and their properties re-evaluated, the process of preparing a valuation report has been completed ready for implementation; the Second Valuation Report for Lower Msimbazi is 446 PAPs.

Table 2: Number of Project Affected Persons (PAPs) in lower Msimbazi

Mtaa/Street NameAFFECTED PAPs
Compensation schedule September 2023 Number of PAPs signed property agreement formsNumber of PAPs signed Land agreement formsProperty PaymentLand Payment
Msimbazi Bondeni813782749774723
Ilala Kota297270244267233
Misheni Kota1814141413
Kariakoo Kaskazini1616161615
Mwinyi Mkuu1531461431447
Kigogo Mbuyuni397354320350291
Mkunguni A2626252524
Mkunguni B1039997970
Mtambani B124119117119111
Mtambani A229211195206178

1.4 Objective of the Demolition Exercise

During signing of Compensation agreements, PAPs also signed a vacating agreement form where they agreed to vacate the site six weeks after receiving the compensation. However, during a survey of the area revealed that most PAPs were not vacating the site even after six weeks and others even have new tenants. Experience also shows that if extra measures are not taken PAPs will not vacate the site and this is likely to cause new grievances or even delay of project implementation. 

It is on this basis that on 25thMarch 2024 PO-RALG notified the public that the office intends to officially start possessing the site and therefore all PAPs that have already received compensation and six weeks from the date of the receiving compensation have salvaged their remains and left the area. This will also include compensated Tenants and ensuring that the structures will not have people or their items.  

1.5 Methods of Deploying the Demolition Exercise

It should be noted that PO-RALG intention is to avoid PAPs who have already received compensation to later delay relocating while the project works activities are about to start. As part of procuring a contractor for lower Msimbazi works, one of the activities will be demolition of the existing structures as well as management of spoil/debris. Therefore, the current demolition/site possession is not full demolition but rather making the structures not habitable (e.g removing doors, windows etc). This exercise of site possession will be carefully conducted by deploying the following measures;

  • Only PAPs that have received compensation and six weeks have passed since compensation will be affected. 
  • All vulnerable PAPs will be assisted.
  • Reminder will be announced to using local public announcement mechanisms (LPA).
  • Georeferenced data will be used to identify PAPs who have already been compensated. 
  • It should be noted that PO-RALG has used valuation data to georeferenced PAPs property on site and therefore information of status of who has received and where the property is located is well documented in a geospatial database at the PO-RALG server. 
  • To ensure safety during the exercise PO-RALG will ensure that all health and safety measures will be adopted including ensuring stability of structures during the process, preventing unauthorized access to demolition sites, ensure workers are aware of the risks and taking necessary measures to avoid/mitigate, ensuring first aid facilities are in place as well as Police. 
  • Forced eviction will be avoided. The Police will be sensitized and informed not to use force at any time.
  • Marking structures that are to be demolished with the word “Bomoa” (meaning demolish).

This exercise of marking started on the 12th of April 2024; and as of 16th April 2024, revealed that more than 70% of PAPs have moved out of the site voluntary and scavenged some of the material and the numbers are increasing; it is likely that most PAPs will end up moving voluntary and hence the demolition will be a minimal exercise with minimal impact. 

To further ensure safety of community and the environment in general. PO-RALG has prepared an Environmental and Social Management Plan that will guide the activities to be undertaken. 

1.6 Environmental and Social Management Plan

This Environmental and Social management plan (ESMP) will provide guideline for implementation of enhancement and mitigation measures of the impacts identified from the proposed demolition activity. The ESMP, indicates impacts, their proposed mitigation measures, responsible institutions and appropriate time for taking action and estimated costs. Therefore, PO-RALG will ensure compliance by adopting the proposed mitigation and enhancement measures prescribed in this ESMP.  All mitigation measures will be carried out by the PO-RALG, municipalities of DCC and KMC and will be supervised by the correspondent district engineer.

Environmental and Social Management Plan for the Demolition Exercise 

NoEnvironmental and Social ImpactMitigation Measures/Enhancement Measures Responsible institution Time of Mitigation/ Enhancement Relative Cost (US$) 
1Resettlement Impact Only PAPs that have received compensation and six weeks have passed from date of receiving compensation. Use georeferenced data to identify PAP that structure need to be demolished PO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs-During preparation of the demolition activity  2,000
2Resettlement of Tenants Tenants will be paid as per the RAP; Verification will be conducted to ensure all Tenants eligible for assistance receive their payments  PO-RALGLocal leaders PAPs Tenants-During preparation of the demolition activity  2,000
3Stakeholders Engagement -Government notice of the intension to demolish on various Newspapers, TV, Radios and socio-media -Prior to demolition the houses will be demarcated with the word (Bomoa) meaning demolish  -Community meetings with PAPsPO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs-During preparation of the demolition activity  5,000
4Forced Eviction PO-RALG will not implement forced eviction; Step by step process will be followed to ensure PAPs whose structures are demolished are those who meet the criteria, for those who meet criteria and resist, consultation will follow and will be documentedPO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs-During preparation of the demolition activity  2,000
5Vibration Minimize vibration by using light equipment and/or human power, especially near structures with households that have not been resettled PO-RALGDCCKMC-During implementation5,000 
6Increase of noise levelsAll activities will be conducted between 8;00 -18:00 hours Light equipment’s will be used to avoid excessive noise especially near structures with households that have not been resettledPO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs1,000 
7Air pollutionThe demolition will avoid strong windy conditionsWorkers involved in construction will be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masksRestrict activities to core areaSpray water to minimize emitting dustUse equipment with efficient combustion enginesIf there is a neighbor close to the site and structure not demolished; ensure they are aware of the timing of works before those works start PO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs-During demolition 5,000
8Increased surface water pollution-Any structure that includes waste material or contamination by hazardous substance (eg. Garage, store, maintenance area, tanks including chemicals … etc.) will not be demolished by this activity  PO-RALGDCCKMC-During demolition 5,000
9Disruption of natural drainage networkMaintain natural flow regimes whenever possible ensure debris are only disposed in authorized sites and are not dumped on natural drainagesPO-RALGDCCKMC-During demolition 5,000
10Destruction of flora and faunaThe removal of natural vegetation shall be avoided to the extent possibleDebris are only disposed in authorized sites and will not be dumped close to natural habitats (specifically mangrove area)  PO-RALGDCCKMC-During demolition20,000
11Incidents of accidentsRisk assessment will be carried out for structures that will be demolished, different health and safety risks (e.g. structure stability, falling objects, collision by equipment, collapse of trenches, walking or contact with sharp objects, electrocution, weather factors … etc.) will be identified, and needed measures to avoid and/or minimize/mitigate the risks will be takenProvide First Aid kit on siteProvide health and safety facilities like PPE to workersAccess to the demolition site should be restricted to unauthorised peoplePO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPsDuring demolition 5,000
12Disruption of social servicesNotify TANESCO and DAWASA to remove service only for demolished structures The community must be given early notice about the interruption of servicesPO-RALGDAWASATANESCOLocal LeadersPAPs-Before start of demolishing activities 10,000
13Community health and safetyAs Direct or indirect hazards to public traffic and pedestriansThe local community will be informed on how to protect themselves from health and safety risks/dangers until end of demolition activities. Access to work areas will be restricted.Demolition works will not affect stability of structures (that will not be leveled) and no risky areas (e.g. hanging objects, sharp objects, live cables … etc.) will be left behindWarning sigs about the risks of accessing those builds after partial demolition will be placed in a form and language understanded by members of the communityPO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPsBefore start of and during demolishing activities2,000
14Demolishing structures with hazardous materials (e.g. include asbestos)Structures with asbestos containing materials or other hazardous substances have been already identified and will be avoided at this stage. Those structures, and the associated risks of their demolishment, will be addressed in the ESIA currently being prepared for earthworks in lower Msimbazi. Mitigation of those risks (as part of this ESIA) will be included in the contract with earthworks contractor, PO-RALG only contract with companies that are permitted to manage such hazardous materialsPO-RALG -Before and during demolishing activities TBD 

1.7 Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan 

This environmental and social monitoring plan provides a roadmap for monitoring process which helps to ensure if the proposed mitigation measures are effective to the impacts that that have been identified to ensure compliance of Environment including adherence to proposed mitigation measures. PORALG will carry monitoring roles and responsibilities in collaboration with relevant sectors and other stakeholders including the PIT throughout the implementation of the demolition exercise. 

The proposed monitoring covers all aspects as outlined above with the main aim of ascertaining that;

  1. The mitigation measures proposed under the ESMP are dully incorporated in the project designs, specifications and actually implemented
  2. Any impact that may still result from the way in which the project is implemented and addressed it or mitigated by appropriate measures

Some of the issues for monitoring in this will relate to PAPs resettlement, waste management, water quality, mangrove and issues of tenants.  The monitoring plan below provides details of the attributes to be monitored, responsible institutions, frequency of sample collections, parameter to be measured, target level and estimated costs for implementation.  These costs are only approximations that will be covered by different stakeholders and might vary during actual implementation. 

Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan 

Impacts IdentifiedMitigation Measures/Enhancement Measures Monitoring institution Time and Monitoring frequencyParameter to be monitored Relative Cost (US$)
Resettlement ImpactOnly PAPs that have received compensation and six weeks have passed from date of receiving compensation Use georeferenced data to identify PAP that structure need to be demolished PO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs-Monthly Report during RAP implementation Weekly during demolition   Number of PAPs that have received their compensation Number of structures abandoned/owners have moved-Number of Grievances recorded   1,000
Resettlement of TenantsTenants will be paid as per the RAP; Verification will be conducted to ensure all Tenants eligible for assistance receive their payments PO-RALGLocal leaders PAPs Tenants-Weekly during paying Tenants   Number of Tenants that have received their allowancesNumber of structures abandoned/tenants have moved  2,000
Stakeholders EngagementGovernment notice of the intension to demolish on various Newspapers, TV, Radios and socio-media Prior to demolition the houses will be demarcated with the word (Bomoa) meaning demolishCommunity meetings with PAPsPO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs-Daily preparation of the demolition activity  Number of meetings conductedNumber of notices provided2,000
Forced EvictionPO-RALG will not implement forced eviction; Step by step process will be followed to ensure PAPs whose structures are demolished are those who meet the criteria, for those who meet criteria and resist, consultation will follow and will be documentedPO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs-Daily during the demolition activity  Number of grievances associated with Force eviction 2,000
VibrationMinimize vibration by using light equipment and/or human powerPO-RALGDCCKMCDaily during the implementation-Number of grievances recorded-Number of houses damaged 500
Increase of noise levelsAll activities will be conducted between 8;00 -18:00 hours Light equipment’s will be used to avoid noise  PO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs-Daily during implementation-Number of grievances recorded-Type of equipment’s used 500
Air pollutionThe demolition will avoid strong windy conditionsWorkers involved in construction will be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masksRestrict activities to core areaIf there is a neighbor close to the site and structure not demolished; will be ask to move out for some timePO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPs-Daily during demolition-Frequencies of dust suppression Grievances recorded 500
Increased surface water pollution-Any structure with possible liquid waste or solid waste that is considered to have indication of pollution example garage, store, maintenance area will not be demolished by this activity  PO-RALGDCCKMC-Weekly during demolition-Confirmation in field report that the demolished house does not include and hazardous substances 500
Disruption of natural drainage networkMaintain natural flow regimes whenever possible ensure debris are not dumped on natural drainagesPO-RALGDCCKMC-Weekly during demolition– Documentation of areas where debris have been disposed of500
Destruction of flora and faunaThe removal of natural vegetation shall be avoided Debris will not be dumped close to natural vegetation (specifically mangrove)  PO-RALGDCCKMCWeekly during demolition-Number and type of trees/vegetation removed – Documentation of areas where debris have been disposed of500
Incidents of accidentsProvide First Aid kit on siteProvide health and safety facilities like PPE to workersAccess to the demolition site should be restricted to unauthorised peoplePO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPsDaily during demolition-Number of accidents and near misses -Number of awareness meetings provided-Number of PPEs distributed to workers 500
Disruption of social servicesNotify TANESCO and DAWASA to remove service only for demolished structures The community must be given early notice about the interruption of servicesPO-RALGDAWASATANESCOLocal LeadersPAPs-Before start of demolishing activitiesNumber of disconnections Number of grievances associated with lack of social services 1,000
Community health and safetyThe local community will be informed on how to protect themselves from health and safety risks/dangers until end of demolition activities PO-RALGDCCKMCLocal LeadersPAPsWeekly Before start of demolishing activities-Number of accidents and near misses -Number of awareness meetings provided-Number of safety signage erected on sites – Number of non-resettled structures impacted500
Demolishing structures with hazardous materials (e.g. asbestos)Structures with asbestos have been identified and will not be demolished at this stage as will wait for PO-RALG to entre into contract with companies that are permitted to manage hazardous wastePO-RALG-Once before start of activity -Daily during demolishing activitiesConfirmation in field report that the demolished house does not include and hazardous substances Number of structures not demolished due to asbestos material TBD

Public Notice 

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